Roast-isserie Sundays at The Trading Route
Whilst Trading Route is known for its cold beer and hot chicken, why is no one talking about the fact their little shop sells some of the best wines in Manchester.
Sorry, so, I can buy New Theory’s Love Bite (ranked the best Beaujolais-style Cinsault / red wine out there, don’t even care) from their provisions store, and then chill it in their fridge, and then drink it with my roast? Y’okay then.
Won’t be going anywhere else then.
Goodness, now that’s out of my system; we can rewind back to the main reason I came here, and that’s to discuss their Sunday Roasts.
Sundays are for making the most of, and Trading Route nails that chill vibe with funky beats and now Sunday Roasts at Goods Yard.
They’ve got slow-cooked rotisserie chicken, but for the traditionalists, there’s also juicy roast sirloin of beef or a tasty squash and feta filo parcel. Whatever main you choose, it’ll come with golden roast potatoes, crispy Yorkshire pudding, and fresh seasonal veg for the table to share. Oh, and huge jug o’graveh.
At the risk of sounding repetitive, and hey, that’s not my fault, Manchester keeps bringing the goods; I ate the best roasted leek and cauli cheese. Full o’ flavour, not just white cream sauce and medium rare cauli chunks with big cheese pulls. THIS SH*T was the reaaaaaaaaaallest of cheese-ests.
Also; I, for one (controversial maybe) really enjoy ordering and paying at the bar, ESPECIALLY on a Sunday when I like to shoot off asap, to get home and keep Sunday scaries at bay. So long as service and conversation at the table is still on point; which it absolutely was, take all of my money (before hand please).
Won’t talk about the desserts, you HAVE to go and try for yourself. The end.